
Larry Dandridge, (R) Army Aviator and Lt. Colonel is a Vietnam War wounded warrior, a combat 100% disabled veteran, an ex-Infantry enlisted man, and an ex-warrant officer pilot.  He is a past Veterans Service Officer, and a current volunteer Patient Adviser, CEO Advisory Council Member, and Patient and Family Advisory Committee Member at the RHJ...
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The Veterans of Foreign Wars is holding “Day of Service” events at posts nationwide honoring veterans’ service during the month of May 2022. In our own way, we at CTC honor that service by trying to help veterans suffering from asbestos-related diseases recover compensation from asbestos trusts, and doing so in such a way as...
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Mental Health Awareness Month is of special significance for me.  As a former practicing psychotherapist of 20 years, I worked with individuals suffering from PTSD due to sexual assault and/or domestic violence. Each conversation with my clients truly was a gift that built a deeper understanding of a very complex diagnosis. Aspects of these personal...
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Both the Veteran Service Organizations (commonly referred to as VSOs) and ClearTrust Claims LLP (CTC) share a common interest and goal: Helping veterans suffering from an asbestos disease obtain compensation. The VSOs help them obtain disability benefits from the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  CTC was created to assist veterans to obtain compensation from...
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Did you know that veterans with asbestos-related diseases can access funds without going through the VA?  Because their exposure is presumed, veterans are often awarded thousands of dollars.CTC Chiel Legal Office, Geoffrey Bestor, is the former Staff Director of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. Geoff had a recent interview with the 9th Secretary of...
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Over the Easter weekend, I was pulling up a chair to eat with strangers. Like many of you, my adult children live in different states and have multiple in-laws they and our shared grandchildren need to spend time with. This was my year to give up my place at the table. Joining a new group...
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As anyone who served before the 1990s knows, asbestos was to be found everywhere in the military.  Asbestos, and products containing asbestos, were used on virtually all bases of all the services for insulation, fire protection, and many other purposes.  There were asbestos-containing components in many, if not most, military vehicles; all Navy ships and...
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Hi Everyone! I love reading the engaging content that you create for social media. You cleverly use Instagram to highlight weekly events including guest speakers such as American Legion Post 291 has done, adorable children participating in the March reading program set up by VFW National Home for Children, or celebrating Girl Scouts who bring more than...
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Client service is a core value at ClearTrust Claims LLP (CTC) and drives so much of the work we do to advocate for military veterans, family members, and civilians who may suffer from asbestos-related diseases. We have created our client service experience to begin with the CTC eligibility form. Designed to be as simple and easy...
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During the past 20 years or so, many companies that were involved in asbestos mining and production, and use and sale of asbestos-containing products, have established trusts holding billions of dollars to compensate individuals suffering from asbestos-related disease. The trusts provide compensation not only for asbestos-related cancers like mesothelioma but also non-malignant asbestos-related disease. Generally,...
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Your Eligibility Form has been sent successfully. You will receive a confirmation email shortly at the email address you provided to us.
After we complete our review of your Eligibility form, we will contact you to let you know if you are eligible to submit claims for compensation to asbestos trusts.

Asbestos Trusts Compensation Eligibility Form

This questionnaire asks for the bare minimum of information necessary for ClearTrustClaims to determine if you may qualify for trust compensation.  Actually obtaining compensation will require that you and ClearTrustClaims work together to obtain the highly detailed additional information needed for asbestos trust applications.  ClearTrustClaims will be able to determine whether you are likely to qualify for compensation only after we have gathered the necessary detailed information.

If you are interested in contacting CTC to see if you might be eligible for compensation from asbestos trusts, please complete the following questionnaire.  When you have completed the questionnaire, click on the Submit button to send the information to us.

 Current Information

* Denotes required fields

 Medical Information

All of the asbestos trusts have very similar lists of medical conditions for which the trust will provide compensation. These conditions are asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, a few rare other cancers, and breathing problems caused by damage to the lungs.

Have you been diagnosed with:

Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer?

Colo-rectal, laryngeal, esophageal, pharyngeal, or stomach cancer?

Asbestosis or severe asbestosis?

Scarring on both of your lungs?

Has any of your doctors told you that your medical condition is due to asbestos?

 Military Service

If you served in the military, please provide the following information:

 Civilian Employment

Please provide the following information about any civilian employment that you believe may have involved exposure to asbestos.

 Additional Information

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